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AI for Personalized Outreach

AI for Personalized Outreach

AI for Personalized Outreach

Use AI to generate hyper-personalized messages at scale to book more meetings. Send emails and LinkedIn messages as unique as the person receiving it.

Use AI to generate hyper-personalized messages at scale to book more meetings. Send emails and LinkedIn messages as unique as the person receiving it.

Use AI to generate hyper-personalized messages at scale to book more meetings. Send emails and LinkedIn messages as unique as the person receiving it.

Trusted by leading GTM teams around the world

Trusted by leading GTM teams around the world

Trusted by leading GTM teams around the world

Reach your buyers with workflow automation.

Reach your buyers with workflow automation.

Tuesday is an automation platform for sales and marketing.

It integrates with Google Search, LinkedIn Profiles, and AI agents to automate:

  • researching companies online

  • summarizing what they do

  • finding work email addresses and phone numbers

  • writing personalized outreach emails and marketing messages

  • sending emails out at scale

  • keeping your CRM updated

Unlimited b2b lead database

Find key decision makers at ICP companies.

Use our unlimited b2b lead database of 200M global professional profiles and 70M organizations to reach your entire market.

Auto-prospecting with AI agents

AI agents can research companies and people online to answer bespoke questions and enrich them with more details.

Find more emails and phone numbers

We call all top data providers in the market to give you the best results for the cost of one.

If we can't find their work emails and phone numbers, nobody can.

Write personalized emails with AI

Tuesday’s sales AI agent writes personalized emails relevant to the buyer’s specific pain points using your custom knowledge base.

Easy integrations with CRMs and email platforms

Send personalized AI emails automatically using your favorite SEP, CRM, or even Gmail!

Export data as CSV file with any paid plans.

Explore our templates

  • Personalized Sales Emails

    Generate personalized outreach email using LinkedIn URL.

  • Personalized LinkedIn Messages

    Generate personalized LinkedIn outreach message using LinkedIn URL.

  • Creative Email First Lines

    Write a creative first line in outreach messages to build rapport.

  • Come up with Specific Use Cases

    Brainstorm specific problems you can solve for the prospect in bullet points.

  • Summarize Company Mission

    Summarize a short description of company’s mission starting with “I see that you help...”

  • Write a Compliment

    Write a compliment to the prospect starting with “I love that...”

  • Identify Similar Companies

    Find similar companies/competitors to your list of companies.

  • Comment on Local Weather

    Send a greeting based on the weather of the prospect’s current location.

  • Recommend Local Restaurant

    Recommend a local restaurant based on your prospect’s current location.

  • Find Recent News about Company

    Write a summary of recent news about the company.

How much money can you make?

Try Tuesday free today.

Generate your first AI email today and never look back.

Tuesday offers a free-forever tier.

No credit card required.